Another extraordinary and unique record from Geneva based dub maestro Androo.
Here he pays his respects to the Keyboard King Jackie Mittoo but in true Androo style this is not your average tribute or remix album. Each side of the record is dedicated to one of the tracks from Mittoo's excellent (and recently reissued) In Africa LP which are then reimagined and reconstructed in long form context as four brand new tracks. The result is a deeply immersive trip into the depths of the echo chamber where ghostly traces of Jackie's keyboards float across an otherworldly soundscape that's shaped equally by the abstract experimentalism of free jazz as well as the bass heavy minimalism of dub. Sun Ra and Rhythm & Sounds are two musical reference points given which gives you an indication of the kind of quality you're dealing with here.
If, like me, you're a fan of both Jackie Mittoo and the more experimental end of the dub spectrum then this is going to be right up your street.
A1: Intr'o Loves Dub (Theme Expozition)
A2: Major T-Bay Loves Dub (Rythm O'dub)
A3: Major T-Bay Loves Dub (Far, O'dub, Ahmix)
A4: Outr'o Loves Dub (Theme Impression)
B1: Intro Shake (Theme Expolsion)
B2: Shake A Leg High Life (Dub, Sun, Arp)
B3: Shake A Leg High Life (Xendubz Akismix)
B4: Outr'o Shake (Overdrive Bird)